Baby teething happens at their own pace. Most of the time signs of teething start to appear around six moths. Right around the time that the baby is ready to start tasting some solid foods. Around four months is when some babies start to feel the teething to start, causing most parents to think that their babies are going to be getting those teeth any moment. While some babies do get teeth early, a lot of the time the teething process can drag on for a while. The teeth are buried under the gums and start to sprout usually every four months. (1)
Baby Teething Signs
If your baby is showing these signs then they are most likely teething.
-Slight Fever and irritability
During the teething time there is a lot more saliva causing a lot more drool to be present. As a result, your baby might get a drool rash. Along with the extra saliva in the mouth that can cause a slight cough, your baby might also get loose stools during the high teething time. As teething becomes less severe, this will self correct.
Expect on some days for your baby to have a slight fever, that can go up to 101 F/38.3 C. This is due to the inflammation that is caused by the hard teeth trying to get through the gums. This will also cause, irritability with your baby as they are most likely not comfortable during this time. Ask your pediatrician, which medications to use for your baby’s fever and if it really is teething related.
As teeth start to break through then babies tend to look for something to bite on. Some parents notice how their baby is chewing on everything, including their own hands and knuckles.

Natural Teething Relief
Here are seven natural items that might help you in your teething journey with your baby.
-Cold Fruits
-Washcloth dipped in breastmilk
-Coconut Oil
Baby Boon
This is an all natural product that can hold foods inside. This product can change your life. You can put any frozen fruit inside or even ice and it has tiny holes that the food comes out of. Baby’s like to suck on it until the food is melted enough and then they tend to suck on it more.
Cold Fruits
Any frozen things will do, but frozen fruits are sweet and babies tend to like them more. Try freezing a banana and then giving it to your baby. If you do have a Baby Boon, then put the frozen fruits in there. Watch out for chokeable items such as frozen blueberries that can get stuck in the baby’s airway until you get it out or it melts.
Teething Necklace for Mom
There are a lot of natural teething necklace’s out there that the mother can wear. A lot of times the baby loves to grab onto and chew on anything that the mother is wearing, especially around the neck if the baby is being held. The natural teething mom necklaces can give them that something to grab onto and safe, natural product to chew on as well.
Wash Cloth Dipped in Breastmilk
This is an old favorite. This method works really well when the washcloth is also frozen in the breastmilk. The baby loves the taste of the breastmilk because it is familiar and the added cooling effect the wash cloth has from the frozen milk is an added bonus.
Amber Necklace
Some people do not think that these work, but most of the time it is because they have not bought a good quality one. The cheaper amber necklaces are the ones that have the stones falling off. You should invest in a good one if this is route that you want to try. Also, please be mindful to take the necklace off during times such as sleep times.
Lavender Essential Oils
The king of all essential oils. Lavender. Is there anything it does not cure? Lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory as well as calming oil. You can use this during the night especially, putting only 1 drop on the soles of the baby’s feet. It will help your baby (and you) get the sleep that you need. Make sure that you alternate days when using essential oils, since you do not want the baby to become reliant on them for sleep.
Coconut Oil
This is another power house in natural living. Virgin coconut oil is pure and safe to use in babies. You can apply directly on the gums to help relieve teething. Try to use the coconut oil on your finger and massage the gums starting from the front edges. This surprisingly works and using it alongside lavender for nighttime for example can help everyone get a good night rest.
Teething signs vary from baby to baby as well as baby teething timing. Some babies have teething spurts while others get all teeth at once.
Some general difference between teething and other illness to consider is how high your baby’s fever is. It is rare for your baby’s fever to be higher than 101 F/ 38 C when they are teething. Another difference between teething and other illness is that with teething your baby will still act pretty normal, so if your baby is not acting like themselves, contact your pediatrician. (2)
Now it’s your turn. Which natural product have you found that works the best for your baby’s teething? Please share your experience down in the comments below.
I hope that some of these help you on your motherly journey.
Much love,