
Natural Solutions for Hives

Rashes in general can be scary right? When you see hives your mind starts going in all directions of what could be the cause of it.

One of my own sons had developed hives and I felt like a detective trying to see what the root cause of it was.

Adults can also experience hives, there can be cases of intestinal parasites or fungi which can result in hives for adults as well as kids. There are different herbs to look at for adults vs kids for hives and those are noted below for your reference.

Types of Hives

Hives can come in different degrees ranging from mild to severe. Babies which you are also introducing solid food to can develop hives as well because you are introducing foods to them their bodies have never been exposed to.

Very mild hives can come on quickly and not last a long time for which you do not really need any natural remedies really.

For more moderate hives which can be seen over the whole body and not really go away quickly you maybe want to look into supporting the body with some natural remedies as long as breathing is not compromised.

For severe hives, this definitely needs medical attention when there is breathing difficulties present.

There are also hives that are known as chronic hives which have underlying issues with them but these hives stick around for weeks or come and go frequently. For these types of hives it’s best to work with a Naturopathic Doctor to really resolve the root cause of the hives.

Lifestyle Hacks


Knowing that changes in the local environment like stress, weather, food changes, medications or insect bites could all contribute to a reaction. One time my own kids walked into poison oak and I had no idea. I was stumped as to why they were breaking out in hives until an older sibling spilled the beans as to where they were. Knowing what triggers the hives is a huge piece to the puzzle.

Oatmeal baths

This is one of those natural remedies that you will have to see if your child responds to. Once of my sons responds so well to this but another sons skin does not respond to it at all. The oatmeal itself is soothing to the skin.

Usually I wash the skin with non scented soap in cases of a poisonous plant and then let the child soak in the oatmeal. All you need is a cotton cloth and some rolled oats. I use one cup in a 4 x 4 old T-shirt or washcloth and let the warm water run over the closed cloth leaving it in the bathtub while the child is in there.

Be careful getting out as it might get slippery!


Sometimes applying a cool compress like a washcloth with cold water or even ice can help alleviate the discomfort of hives. But sometimes it can make things worse! So try it out with a cold washcloth first to see if it helps and then try ice to see if they can tolerate it. This really depends on the child also and their age. If it seems to be triggering more hives then do not continue.



An enzyme that is found in pineapple juice and in the pineapple stem it “causes the body to make substances that fight pain and swelling.” (1) It helps to decrease the allergic response aiding the body to heal and decrease the allergic time. Also can be applied topically on the skin. This is the one that’s safer for adults internally but if you are rubbing pineapple topically make sure your child does not have a worse reaction to it.

Aloe Vera

This is a safe topical application which can be used for adults and kids. Aloe is a soothing plant and reduces inflammation and relieves itching. If you are using it internally then the benefits of it include stimulation of the immune system removing inflammation toxins out of the body. If you grow your own aloe vera this is the best option, internally make sure there is no other additives and is all organic.


Quercetin is a product that can be taken by adults and kids. There is a Jr version of D-Hist that can be found which contains Quercetin as well as an adult one. It is a non toxic potent antihistamine bioflavonoid which decreases the inflammation of allergic skin and hay fever symptoms. This is a good one for an outbreak or as a preventative.



With its pain-relieving astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions, yarrow is one that can be used topically or internally to help with the inflammation of hives.

Stinging Nettles

Nettles can be found in your backyard in most places and is a great herb for allergies because of its anti-inflammatory and astringent actions. I use this one for allergic reaction with my own kids as a tincture as it is a diuretic meaning it encourages the inflammatory waste. If you can freeze dry it, it is a fast relief from symptoms.


Easy to find in your grocery store, turmeric is a very effective natural antihistamine and antioxidant for hives and a variety of inflammatory skin ailments. Many people use turmeric for its anti inflammatory effects and now hopefully you see some options for hives as well.


Homeopathic remedies are safe and effective for every age. The trick with homeopathy is to find a remedy that closely matches the symptoms of the person. These remedies are the top remedies for hives but if one does not match closely, just know you will probably have to keep searching for the right remedy.


Think of this one when there is a lot of swelling and puffiness in face. It will make it worse if you touch it and apply heat to it. The person will feel better if cold is applied. Overall irritable and hard to please.

Urtica urens

The homeopathic version of stinging nettles. Think of this when red raised blotches with a white center. If the hives are recurring yearly or with foods like fish or weather changes. There is much burning itching with a prickling type of feeling.


Think of this remedy if you are pregnant or with any hormonal issues. Hives would be on face and neck or whole body. Itching turns hives into burning and the person may be feeling burnt out. In this remedy the person would feel worse with cold and better with warmth.

You would flip the bottle upside down and twist the cap to dispose 3 pellets into it. Place in mouth to dissolve. In acute reactions you can take every 15 min for the first hour and then hourly until the doses have reached 5 times you have taken it. If no improvement has been shown then you need a different remedy.


I am a strong believer in there being a time and place for conventional medicine. Call your doctor if you child has:

– Breathing difficulties which is not relived with Benadryl

-Severe hives not better after 2 doses of Benadryl

-Hives are lingering for over a week

-Child is getting worse

-Itch not better after 24hrs

Final thoughts

Hives can vary in severity starting from mild to moderate to severe. There are many different natural remedies to choose from in herbal remedies or homeopathic remedies.

Most of the time hives can be managed at home unless there is more chronic reactions making sure you watch breathing to make sure the airways are not closing up because of them.

If there is long term hives it could be a different issue such as a parasite or gut issue that need to be addressed by a naturopathic doctor.

If you need more customized herbal or lifestyle support I hope you consider the online wellness clinic with the acute care visit option.

I hope this helps you on the journey!

God keep you and protect you.

