Summertime is important for the mental, emotional and physical health of children. There are things like downtime and pursuit of passions that will optimize this quality time for kids. But given that physical distancing is still impacting our daily life, how can you still have fun in the summer and give your child what they need?
Put some work into having your child play independently.
If you are working from home still, it is tempting to use screens in order to keep your child occupied. Children’s brains need the lazy slow paced life of summer without the stress. It can be a great time to discover and pursue passions that they might not have time for during the school year.
Whether its building a fort in the backyard, learning how to bake or learning a project, brainstorm some ideas with them to see what they might come up with. The negative consequences of screen time on children’s physical, mental and emotional health are still outwheighing any positive effects.
Brainstorm daily and fun activities
Make a list of activities that can be incorporated into long weekends, even with social distancing. There are things like family camping trips, creating a backyard water parks or even creating a garden can all bring families closer together. Check out my Pinterest board of outdoor activities for children.
Another list can be made with activities that you need to do daily in order to keep your home running. Work around your kids meal times and add in activities like outside time, clean up time and meal prep. Create a daily rhythm and a weekly rhythm and stick to it. There is research that shows having a daily structure helps everyone stay healthy emotionally. Let your kids finish these activities before they start any screens. Click here on how to handle chores.
Take care of you mama!
As a coach for moms, I see women go into mama mode of wanting the best time for their kids, but a lot of times that turns into mom doing everything for her kiddos and forgetting about herself. It can easily turn into us no hearing our own voice because of the demands of our kiddos. Waiting for them to feel happy before listening to our own voice.
If this sounds like you then working with your own natural tendencies will work in your favor. Your children will never push you out the door telling you to take care of yourself. It will have to come out of your own desires to give your kids a happy post quarantine mama to your children.
Start the day asking yourself how you want to show up today as a mother for your kids. What emotion would you want to feel primarily throughout the day? How do you want to feel while accomplishing your tasks? Begin sitting in the drivers seat of your emotional life. What thoughts would you have to think in order to show up how you want?
Use a timer throughout your day as an external accountability can also keep your own time to yourself. Giving yourself 15 min to clean and then relaxing or driving to an activity with your children after reading for 30 min first. Putting yourself last does have a cost to it. It is time to prioritize your own goals and show your children that you value pursuing those goals and how important they are to you. Your most important job is to keep yourself centered so you can be patient with your child.
Connect with your child daily and remember that it is always HOW you feel and what emotion is driving you and not WHAT you do that truly matters. If you need a tangible way to end your own mama meltdowns so you can enjoy your summer with your kiddos, grab the FREE mini course here.
Do at least one thing everyday to connect and have fun with your child this summer.
Much love.