
Hormonal Health for Women: Fertility

It seems like more and more nowadays I hear that women are having a hard time with fertility. In the US alone there are about 11% of women of reproductive years that have experienced some sort of fertility issue. For couples that are actively trying to conceive 12-15% of them are unable to conceive even after trying for a year. As the years increase of couples trying for a baby, roughly around 10% of couples still have not had success in a live born child.

The younger you are the easier it seems to be able to conceive.

For example, couples in their 20s trying to conceive that are generally healthy, 40-60% of them have no issues conceiving in the first three month of trying. However, as women age the number start to decrease in chances of conceiving because aging effects women more hormonally than men.

There are many things to look at when it comes to infertility such as PCOS and Endometriosis. Other issues to consider are uterine fibroids, autoimmune issues, ovulation issues, menstrual cycle irregularities, implantation failure, issues with egg becoming mature just to name a few. Men also face issues such as low sperm count but for this article we are looking at women’s side of things.

If you are trying to actively conceive and have had no luck, it is recommended that you go and see your doctor so you can better understand what is going on. They will perform exams and maybe ultrasounds to look at eggs and also may do blood work to see your hormone levels. (1)

When you know what is really going on, then you will be more able to handle the root cause of the issue and which route to take in order to heal from it.

Your Cycle

When I talk to women about hormone issues, I always ask them if they know how to track their cycle or have been tracking their cycles. It is fairly easy to do now because there are so many apps available for this process.

Why is it important?

If your cycle is off then you can track at which point the hormones are off. Are you regularly ovulating and if so at what time of the month? Are you having a regular period or is it always late? Is your ovulation time early on in the cycle and are you premenopausal?

These are all questions that need trackable answers so you can see if an herb or remedy or lifestyle change is having an impact on your cycle.

I plan on doing a FREE mini course for tracking your own cycle that will be available to my email subscribers, so make sure you are signed up to get updates. I have been tracking my cycle for over 10 years and through pregnancies and breastfeeding, I always knew where my hormones were.


Herbs are very effective in correcting imbalances and getting your body where it needs to be in order to conceive such as toning the uterine lining and balancing certain hormones. Here are my favorite to consider:

Vitex/Chaste Berry: A top recommended herb for fertility for good reasons because it is an adaptogenic herb that targets hormones and stabilizes them. (2) In the exception with PCOS, vitex is really good at balancing your hormones regardless of the issues you are having. It may take up to several months to see the effects of vitex, but regardless if you have high estrogen or progesterone or high prolactin, this herb is known to balance these out.

Maca: I have been hearing a lot about maca root powder recently and that is because it can be used by men and women to enhance fertility. It contains essential nutrients that are crucial for fertility and for males, it has been looked at as a potential improvement for low sperm count. (3) It does contain higher levels of iodine so it is best not to take it if you have any thyroid issues or are already taking iodine supplements. Also, if you have PCOS and are sensitive to androgens, then maca should be avoided.

Red Raspberry Leaf: You might have heard of this herb because of its popular use by women during the 3rd trimester and that is because it is known to tone the uterus. Some women find it helpful to use this herb as a tea in order to support their uterine lining which can help with issues like uterine fibroids as well as getting the uterus ready to carry a child. There is a lot of misinformation out there that it stimulates the uterus into contractions, which is not the case.

Motherwort: If you are stressed about getting pregnant then motherwort can help with those anxiety levels as well as menstrual issues like uterine spasms and cramping. Since increased stress levels can effects fertility, motherwort is a useful remedy to have around for healthy menstruation and stress levels.

Adaptogens: Looking into medicinal mushrooms that have adaptogenic properties: reishi, turkey tail, and cordyceps can be helpful when trying to conceive. (4) They are great for fertility issues related to autoimmune issues as they regulate hormones as well as immune function. If you also have fatigue due to hormonal imbalances, these mushrooms are a great additions to look into.


Staying away from foods that cause inflammation is a good thing to consider as they lower acidity and inflammation in the body. Grab your FREE printout of a sample and your own meal plan for an anti inflammatory diet here.

Foods that cause a lot of inflammation include processed foods, foods that are high in sugar and alcohol. These foods cause inflammation and might make it harder to conceive. If you are dealing with an autoimmune issue, then these foods may also cause the symptoms to flare up and prevent fertility from happening.

Acidic foods are also important to avoid since they may affect the environment of the vagina. If your environment inside your vagina is more acidic then it makes it harder for sperm to survive in that environment causing a decrease in chances of getting pregnant. A PH neutral environment is much easier for the sperm to thrive in if you are planning on getting pregnant. Low acidic foods are typically the same foods that are on the anti inflammatory list.


When I spoke to midwifes or doulas about specific things that they think help fertility many agreed on a lot of the same facts that have to do with lifestyle and others mentioned things that have been traditionally used which are worth looking into for yourself if you are actively trying to conceive.

Stress: Stress plays an important role in regulating hormones and is part of a lifestyle habit that is hard for many to get into balance. Many women I talk to need extra support from herb supplements to get them started off on the right track in addition to adding exercise, time for self care, acupuncture or being out in nature. Some common herbs for stress management that are my personal favorite include motherwort, reishi, turkey tail, ashwaghanda, rhodiola and lemon balm.

Castor oil: Castor oil packs are easy to do yourself and it may improve circulation in the uterine area therefore increasing chance of pregnancy. This method is recommended for women which have scarring in the fallopian tubes which prevents fertilization or implantation. All you need is castor oil, a heating pad and a towel. What the method is starts with warming up the heating pad to a comfortable temperature, then adding some castor oil on top of where your reproductive organs are and placing the towel and then the heating pad over the area for about 20 min.

Yoni steams: Some cultures have been known to use yoni steams to increase fertility and relieve congestion in the pelvic region. The herbs which can be used are yarrow, calendula, lavender, rosemary and motherwort. You would simply boil the herbs and let them cool down to where its not going to burn your pelvic area but still warm enough for steam to come and wrap yourself with a blanket to trap the steam as you sit for about 20 min. I know sounds weird but it is another option for you to look into.

Final thoughts

With infertility being an increasing issue, more and more women are looking into natural alternatives to increase their chances of getting pregnant. Sometimes you might have to get lab tests from a doctor if you need more info about which hormones you are dealing with in order to find the right herb to help support you. Following your cycle is also going to give you some clues as to when you are ovulating therefore increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

Diet and lifestyle can highly impact your hormones so start with the things that are easier to control if you are waiting for lab results or need to track your cycle for a few months.

A diet that is full of real foods and low processed foods as well as lifestyle habits that keep you stress free.

If you need further support and accountability to master these habits to get your fertility on the right track, reach out for a free 20 min consultation to see if we are a good fit.

God bless you and yours

