When I first heard of this method I must admit I was very skeptical. But then, one of my own kiddos got sick and I was desperate to try anything natural to help her fever along.
I first learned this from Sue Meyer over at Homeopathy for Mommies and have since heard different methods of it from other natural sources I very much trust.
But beyond all the advice, it really did help when my own child needed it the most and I hope you think of this simple natural hack whether you are dealing with any inflammation, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, and much more!

How it works
Wet socks simply help by stimulating the immune system by increasing circulation.
When you put the wet socks on the feet it makes your feet super cold, signaling the body to move blood flow down to the feet in order to warm them up.
This circulatory response ends up stimulating the immune response without any supplements or medicines.
What you need
1 pair of cotton socks
1 pair of wool socks
Cold water
Soak the cotton socks in the cold water making sure they are submerged all the way in.
Squeeze all the water out making sure the socks are not dripping water out but are still wet enough.
Rub the feet if they seem cold and warm them up a bit otherwise it won’t work.
Put the cotton socks on the feet. Cover with wool socks.
Try to keep them on until the socks are completely dry.

It’s best to use this method when you first see the onset of symptoms. If there is a fever present then you can still use this method and try to keep the socks on overnight or whenever they get dry.
It’s best to not do this with children under the age of 6 months and never use ice water with your children.
When to call your doc?
Fevers usually do have to run its course and there are many natural remedies which can help at home if you are helping your child.
But there is a time and a place for reaching out to your doctor if there are any symptoms like:
- Fever lasting longer than 3-4 days
- Fever with severe ear pain
- Fever with throat pain without cough
- Fever that is accompanied by a rash
- Fever with a stiff neck
- If a fever is there along with signs of dehydration
- Fever with a baby 1-3 months old
- Fever with a newborn less than 1 month

Final thoughts
Just remember that fevers are a body’s natural response to an illness. They can definitely be scary and it’s very natural to feel worried as a mom when the fever is persistent.
But there are definitely natural things that you can do to help them.
Try the cold socks, keep them hydrated.
Check out the article on herbs for fevers here.
If you need support in which remedies you might need during an illness, visit the online wellness clinic and I hope you consider the Acute Care Consultation.
God keep you and protect you,