
Tiered all the time? Herbal fatigue remedies are here to help

First thing is first, if you are tiered all the time then it is best to look into deeper conditions like thyroid issues, autoimmune issues or inflammation in the body. There are also issues such as poor lifestyle choices with not enough exercise or having a poor diet, as well as depression and stress all of which can cause a lot of energy depletion. I wanted to mention these things because often we look at fatigue as something that we need to fight through and push ourselves more. Often this can lead to more fatigue if we do not look at the underlying causes and address those.

Which ever bucket you fall into with fatigue, there are many herbs that can help you on the journey.

When working with people that have adrenal fatigue, we look into similar herbs and also lifestyle changes to get them out of adrenal fatigue and have them functioning again. This does take some time so be patient with the herb you choose and getting into a habit of a different lifestyle, this is why sometimes working with an herbalist is beneficial.


Herbs should direct the underlying cause of the issue, for simple fatigue then tonic or adaptogenic herbs are a great tool. These increase vitality and balance the function of the body’s major systems.

Cordyceps (cordyceps sinensis)

There is a lot of research coming out about medicinal mushrooms and this one has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. It builds strength and endurance, stamina and immunity. It is a great adaptogenic that helps to restore health after exhaustion as well as increasing blood flow to the brain and heart. Many consider this to be a miracle mushroom as it helps to modulate the immune system which many use for their autoimmune issues. It also helps to increase male potency and female vitality as well as improving sleep and appetite. If you are buying this mushroom then make sure you are getting it in a dual extract form. (1)

Safety: Use a reputable source as adulteration is common. Do not take on an empty stomach or if there is active bleeding or if you are taking any anticoagulants. Also contraindicated with MAO inhibitors.

Siberian Ginseng (eleutherococcus senticosus)

This is an adaptogenic herb that is a top choice for exhaustion, fatigue and immune weakness. It works really fast and you can start to feel its effects 20 min after you take it. Many times, if I know that I will be having a stress filled day, I take this herb right away. It is also a great herbs for long term stress or after an illness. In Russia this herb was given to athletes and elderly people, one to get through athletic training and the other to get them through the hard winter. It increases immunity and protects against toxins. (2)

Safety: Contraindicated for use while you are taking any antibiotics digitalis or hexobarbitol. May increase blood pressure.

Yerba Mate (ilex paraguariensis)

Looking at stimulants that are a better choice than coffee, this one is a great alternative with added benefits. Unlike coffee, this herb will not cause nervousness but it instead balances the nervous system, and improves sleep and mood. It is also an antioxidant and increases oxygen to the heart and brain. (3)

Oats (avena sativa)

When there is an even in your life such as overworking or overstudying and if there is any excess alcohol consumption this is the herb to go to. It has a nutritive effect on the brain rather than a stimulatory effect. It also sharpens mental focus and memory. If you have heart palpitations that are associated with overstimulation this herb is very helpful as well as having a positive effect on insomnia if you are overworking yourself. (4)

Safety: If one is allergic to gluten one should also avoid this herb

Astragalus (astragalus membranaceous)

This herb is popularly used Traditional Chinese Medicine but is gaining lots of popularity amongst Western herbalists. It is mainly used for general weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite. It is an adaptogenic herb that also stimulates the immune system just like Siberian Ginseng. Astragalus is an antiviral and antibacterial making it useful in instances when you are dealing with fatigue while helping sick children in your home. (5)

Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis)

Traditionally is it used for memory problems but it mainly improves circulation to the brain. Sometimes using this as an essential oil along with peppermint in a diffuser or in a carrier oil to rub on your chest will fight off mild to moderate fatigue. If you use this as an herb that you ingest long term, it helps your body to recover from long term stress or illnesses as it is nourishing to the adrenals. (6)

Inflammation and Fatigue

Research indicated now that there is a link between depression and fatigue as well as inflammation and fatigue. (7) Understanding the underlying issues such as an autoimmune issue or any inflammation in the body is important when dealing with fatigue. Personally, I found that having an herb that has a strong effects right away when dealing with seasons of fatigue to be helpful.

For women this is different than men, we tend to be more tiered for example when our cycles are coming to a close at the end of a month or are menstruating. That is when lifestyle changes to get that rest is crucial and listen to our bodies. I always have on hand Siberian Ginseng when I know it’s a day that will require a lot of energy but other herbs when I need support when the house work is too much like Oats.

Final thoughts

If you plan on incorporating herbs for short term fatigue, look into ones that give you a boost but also complement other parts of your life. If you need an immunity boost and brain function look at that category of herbs. If you are dealing with long term fatigue look into adaptogenic herbs. If needing a stimulating herb that are also very good for your focus and brain, then there is a category of herbs there also.

If you are dealing with an underlying issue such as adrenal fatigue or an autoimmune issue, I invite you to consider getting on a free consultation with me because those herbs need to be specific and worked with long term.

As always if you are doing your own research and have medications or special conditions you are dealing with make sure the herb you are taking is safe and talk to your primary health care provider before adding anything to your routine.

I hope this helps you on your journey!

God bless you and yours

