ParentingSimple Living

Why you are so tired as a mother

Mothers work really hard and a lot of the time they put so much pressure on themselves to get everything done. There are many nutritional reasons and hormonal reasons of why one would be tired but all that aside, I think there are 5 top reasons that have nothing to do with that.

If you ever find yourself walking around feeling like a zombie wondering why you can’t seem to enjoy your life…read on.

Top 5 reasons you are tired

  • You are ignoring your interests.

All of us are born with certain talents and interests. We have the right to figure those talents out and use them to serve others and grow ourselves. If you were called to be a mom and now have figured that part out, it is time to figure out “what’s next?” Many times, we push our wishes away and just do what is suggested but that can cause exhaustion if a mom is trying to live a life that is not right for them.

Ignoring your calling can be a source of great suffering. Weather you want to be in charge of the Girl Scout cookie sales or run a part time business, ask yourself…What is your calling? The longer you ignore the tugging feeling, the more tired you will become. When you start figuring out what is it that you want to do in our life, your brain will freak out, but that is totally normal. Keep going.

  • You are resisting emotions

Some moms I talk to have an area in their lives that they really do not want to talk about or try to avoid. It could be the mother in law that you are trying to avoid, or that family member that you never reconciled with. Trying not to think about something that might cause negative emotions is exhausting. Luckily it is very easy to solve.

Unprocessed emotions are energy draining cause you are constantly trying to not feel them. They can also be very hard to spot. If you are buffering with food and trying to escape those negative emotions on top of that, it will add on to the draining energy because your body is now trying to process extra calories.

Do not be scared of the negative emotions. Process them and see how much relaxation you will have access to that you did not before.

  • You are trying to control something

Some moms just cannot relax until their kids are happy or feel like they have to be there for their kids all the time. When you want to be loving mom but feel constantly fatigued and lost, taking time for yourself can be a struggle. Thinking that you have control over things that you really do not have control over, like other people, can be exhausting.

We do not get to choose other peoples emotions for them. When we try to control others, we end up feeling resentful, lost and TIRED.

  • You are in “should” land

Our culture seems to put a lot of perfectionistic expectations on moms. Many moms think of parenting like a job, meaning that they believe it should be hard work and they are supposed to do everything. Our kids learn by our example. Most of the time we are stressing them out when we are not relaxed, happy and playful. There really is no right way to parent. But we put so much of our energy into trying to do everything perfect that it leaves us exhausted.

When folding laundry we think about how we need to get dinner started.

As we cook we think that we need to send out an email.

Then we get on the computer and see some post that makes you think about planning that birthday party.

While looking at Pinterest you realize that you have to go pick up the kids from their activity.

We put way too much pressure on ourselves with words like “have to, need to, should.” These words make us feel responsible hard workers but also sometimes like we are stuck. When constantly trying to juggle and multi-task, we do not get a sense of accomplishment and completion that we crave.

Our energy goes where our attention goes. While doing the dishes and thinking about the laundry your energy is split in two directions. If you are working and wishing that you were at home or at home wishing that you were at work, you will exhaust yourself without even knowing why you are tired.

  • You are arguing with reality

Wishing that things were different will always drain your energy. This shows up in thought like:

“My kids should just get along”

“My son should just go to bed at night”

“My husband should’t play so many video games”

“My husband should just help out more”

It like having this invisible manual or rule book that says how everyone should behave, then we get annoyed once they do not follow the rules. This rule book can show up with many people in our lives and you will see how much less tired you feel once you drop the manual and choose to show up from a different emotion. If loving the other person is too far of a stretch for you then you always have access to curiosity or compassion.

See if you can see things from their point of view. See how their actions make sense to them in their minds. Get curious on what they are thinking. Align your expectations with the reality of your experience. This will give you so much more energy and appreciation for the life you are living.

If you feel like you are stuck in tired land and need some clear direction to get out, schedule your free mini session to take those blindfolds off and move on with confidence.

Schedule your session here.

Now that you know why you are so tired, what’s next? Watch the Youtube video on how to have more energy:
