2nd TrimesterPregnancy

How to Prepare for a VBAC

Here is a controversial conversation in the birthing world…VBACs. I was a VBAC
patient with my 3rd baby but I was fortunate to find a midwifery service and hospital that was VBAC friendly. Let me just tell you, yes it is possible. But just because it is possible, that did not stop me from being scared of a lot of things that you might also be scared of right now. I was scared of that risk of the uterine rupture, I was scared of interventions and I was scared of yet another major abdominal surgery with possibility of breastfeeding issues.


• VBAC’s with low transverse incision showed no significant dangers to mom or
baby with a likelihood of uterine rupture to be less than 1%. Most of the time uterine rupture is increased because of the use of Cytotec during labor by 6%.

• Most hospitals nowadays have banned VBAC’s and in some states midwifery
services have very strict rules on the patients they can accept as a VBAC patient.

• If the only reason you are getting pressure for having another C-Section is that you’ve had one C-Section before, then check out VBAC friendly hospitals or midwives in your area.

In some situations another C-Section is medically necessary, do not dismiss the reality of your situation if you were told realistic medical facts of why you need one. With that said, you might have some emotional scars from the previous C-Section that should be addressed before you attempt a vaginal birth.

Attending a Birthing Class
If you have not attended any birthing classes I would suggest looking into some in your area. It is important to look into classes where you feel supported. Some hospitals offer birthing classes but they are not supportive towards an idea of a VBAC and this can cause you to loose your confidence in your own abilities to be able to do this.

Work with a Doula
A lot of times moms with a VBAC just need that extra person that can stand up for them in the delivery room. Doula’s are a great extra pair of hands. Most of the time, doula’s know extra tricks that can help you get through contractions and different positions that they work with you on with during the labor. They also give your partner a break in between contractions which is very helpful for your tired partner. A great website to use is Doula Match. Just type in your zip code and there are doula profiles within your area and how much they charge. Sometimes doulas are looking for experience and midwives know some great potential doulas. So ask around.

Support in a VBAC is very important. I would like to refer you to the International
Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN)
www.ican-online.org. This is a great resource and they provide group as well as individual support that you can find in your area. This is an informative website that has a lot of great facts if you need more information about VBAC’s and have unanswered questions.

I truly believe that if you want to have a VBAC and you are doubting yourself that you CAN do it. You can always work with me if you feel like your area is lacking in support. I had great support around me when I was attempting a VBAC and it truly made a difference. It would be an honor to help you.

Feel free to contact me with any questions and leave a comment below if you have some other great resources for the VBAC mamas out there.

Much love,

