Essential Oils

Cold & Flu Essential Oils for Kids

Some oils children should not be exposed to until a certain age. That is because they have different sensitivities and different ways of handling things because their immune system is not like adults, or even older kids.

I wanted to talk about four main oils that are safe to use with children that you can use during this cold and flu season that will help support their immunity and keep the home smelling fresh.

This list is safe to use for children over 2 yrs old and as mother, it is always important to watch your child’s reaction to oils they have never use before. Always dilute the oils when used on children with a choice of carrier oil.

Cold and Flu Oils

Ravintsara (Avoid in pregnancy)

This oils is gentle to use on children but must be avoided in a household with a pregnant woman. This oils main uses are for colds and flu, viral infections, bronchial infections, respiratory infections and laryngitis just to name a few. It’s main properties are: antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, anti infectious.

Ho Wood

This oil does not have any known contraindication but if you do not have this oil on hand with you then you can leave this out of the blends. It’s main uses are for colds, chills, influenza, viral and respiratory infections, bacterial infections. It’s main properties are: analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal.

Thyme Linalol

Do not make the mistake of buying thyme vulgarus, it is a different strand than thyme linalol and for children this is important to know since the thyme vulgarus can be more intense and cause sensitivities. With thyme linalol its main uses are for influenza, coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throats, mucus congestion, laryngitis. It’s properties include: analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral.

Palmarosa (Avoid in pregnancy)

It’s main uses are excess mucus, bacterial infections, GI issues just to name a few. It’s properties are antibacterial, anti fungal, anti infectious, antiviral.

Diffuser Night and Day Blends

For a nighttime blend in a diffuser, what can help is to run the diffuser with all four oils with one drop each. I personally have a diffuser that is intermittent which you can get HERE and it runs for 15 min and then turns off for a while. I personally like this a lot more so the whole room does not get overwhelmingly strong. That is your choice of course in which diffuser works for your family.

For a daytime blend, I personally like to use a blend a little less intense that has the same properties which involves lavender, frankincense and lemon. Again the diffuser runs on and off every 15 min so I do not get overwhelmed by the smell.

Bath Time for Cold & Flu

Great thing about lavender is that it can be used for bath time to help ease into sleep. I personally use it alongside Dr. Bronners soap and epsom salt to help hydrate the skin.

If you want complete ratios printable for these recipes click here.

Hand Soap

I DIY a lot of my stuff and definitely make my own germ fighting soap. The great thing is that the oils that I use can be used in other areas of a natural lifestyle. For hand soap specifically a recipe that is easy involves:

The lemon and lavender oils can also be used as a warm compress, the lavender can be used alongside salt as a gargle for sore throats. You really do not have to buy a lot of oils to have the same effect, that is the great thing about these oils.


It includes all these ratios and recipes and some carrier oil facts to keep your family safe and healthy.

Remember, that when it comes to essential oils, you do not need a lot. A lot of these oils have the same uses and properties as you can tell in the breakdowns. Choose combos that work for your and do your research on what is safe.
