Babies & ToddlersEssential OilsParentingSimple Living

How to Help an Ear Infection Naturally

Ear infections are the most common childhood health problem in America. In most cases, there is actually no bacteria present. In mild cases ear infections go away on their own. How can a mother help her child through an ear infection naturally?

Looking at the structure of the ear and how a baby’s ear is different than adults will shed light on why children are prone to ear infections.

Infant’s Ears

The eustachian tube connects the throat to the middle ear and serves to equalize pressure on both side of the eardrum. If a person does not have this tube, ears will feel plugged as they temporarily do when you are in high altitude. This tube also protects the middle ear, allowing it to close and open appropriately and if there is accumulated fluid, to help drain it as well as germs. (1)

This tiny tube is the reason why babies get more ear infections compared to adults. A baby’s eustachian tube is short, wide and set more in line with the throat. Because of this, germs and secretions have access to the ear from the throat. As we grow, the eustachian tube lengthens. Angling itself downward, secretions have to go upwards to get to the ears. (2)

Signs of Ear Infection

During the cold and flu season, or in case of an allergy attack, fluid can accumulate in all the breathing passages and in the middle ear. This fluid may drain back into the throat by itself, in some cases the fluid becomes trapped. Anywhere there is fluid trapped in the human body, usually gets an infection. (3)

Common signs of infection with you child includes:

  • crying when lying flat
  • cold that is getting worse
  • frequent night wakings
  • increasing think nasal secretions
  • irritability

If your child is tugging at the ear and has a mild fever, teething might be the reason why they are irritable instead of an ear infection.

Mild Infection

Some doctors will choose to monitor the baby that seems to have a mild ear infection instead of giving them antibiotics. If the child gets more fussy, the fever worsens then your doctor might decide on some form of antibiotics. The infection can resolve on it’s own, in case of a mild ear infection, or bacteria can also regrow.

This was the case for one of my children, and we had to put him back on antibiotics after finishing the initial dose. This is the reason why your doctor might tell you to come back in 2-4 weeks to make sure there is no ongoing infection. (4)

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies can play a very important role when dealing with a mild ear infection. I have used natural methods with the first signs of a cold in order to prevent ear infections with my own children. A great remedy to have on hand especially when your child is prone to having ear infections, is Mullen and Garlic Oil Drops. You can get these at a local health food store and online, but also make your own garlic infused oil.

Recently, I read a book by Lillian Beard, MD in which she talks about putting salt in a sock. She recommends to fill a cotton sock with salt of your choice, than preheating the oven to 350F. Put the sock in the oven while it preheats, by the time it reaches 350F, the sock should be warm enough. You can also add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil to the cotton sock as a bonus. Then put on the ear that has pain as needed. (5)

The most common homeopathic remedy for ear infections is Pulsatilla 30c. In an acute situation, the remedy can be taken hourly. Other homeopathic remedies that help with ear infections are:

The type of remedy you choose will depend on the symptoms of the child. For a more thorough breakdown of homeopathic remedies click here.

Preventing Ear Infections

If you have a child that has recurring ear infections, here are some common ways to help lessen the frequency of ear infections. (6)

  • Breastfeed as long as possible, since breastfed children have a lower incidence of ear infections.
  • Control allergies since it causes fluid retention in the eustachian tube.
  • Treat colds early with homeopathic remedies.
  • Feed baby upright which lessens the milk to enter the eustachian tubes.

If you need help with using essential oils safely with your own children, start by grabbing your free guide for an essential oil guide for children.


Do not hesitate to reach out!

Much love,




  1. I love this! My now 7 year old has never had an ear infection, but this is exactly what I would have done if she did. We are a very natural minded family and will opt for natural remedies long before reaching for anything else. I’ve heard from many that the garlic drops work wonders!

    1. That’s great your daughter never had ear infections! Very rare to hear that nowadays.

  2. Awesome!
    I especially love the natural remedy. They’re the best.
    Thanks for the info.

    1. Good I’m glad you liked it!

  3. Great! I’m always looking for natural remedies.

    1. I hope some of these help you!